Universities & Colleges
Universities Alphabetic Order
As home pages are found for American Universities granting bachelor or advanced degrees, they are added here, one page per university. Some universities do not yet have home pages.
Universities Worldwide
Links to 6884 Universities in 178 countries (July 15th, 2004)
Colleges and Universities(More than 3000)
Worldwide: Physics & Astronomy Departments
Educationinfoindia.com is a Indian educational portal which leads you to all available career options, a comprehensive list of all colleges and universities (government and private) with details such as background, campus, course information, infrastructure, faculty, student services etc.
The World Wide Colleges and Universities
This Website is a resource of The Center for Global Education . The site provides web links to colleges and universities around the world. Along with a link to the home language home page, the site also provides direct links to an English Language Home Page and the Website of the International Relations Office. Through connection to resources like the International Association of Universities (IAU)/UNESCO World Academic Database and other websites, World Wide Colleges and Universities also provides a background on the system of higher education for each country around the world.
Physics Departments Worldwide
Education Info India
Universities World over
Worldwide: Physics Departments and Documents Network
Educational and Research Institutes
UMass Physics R&D
UMass Physics Education Research Group
Education In India
Engineering Collges in India
Engineering Colleges in India
Physics Departments in India
India: Physics & Astronomy Departments
Tamilnadu Education Connections
Engineering Colleges in: Tamilnadu
Colleges in Tamilnadu - By district
Professional Colleges in Tamilnadu
Nationwide Personnel
Engineering Colleges in India
Indian Colleges in General