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Physlets resource page
Applet Collection: Chapterwise
Interactive Physlets
100 amazing videos
While physics can be a fascinating subject, some of the concepts it presents aren't always the easiest
110 (Mechanics) Topics
Theoretical Mechanics Applets
The Virtual Reality Modeling Language
Applets in the Classroom
The Poor Man
Java Apllets: All Chapters
An interactive journey through modern physics! Have fun learning visually and conceptually about 20th Century science and high-tech devices.
Virtual Labs & Simulations
Physics Applets - Large Collections
Java Applets
Multimedia Physics Studios
Learning Physics: Applets
Optics/Photonics Interactive Tutorials
Java Applets on Electromagnetism and Optics
Optics Applets
Physics applets
Tutoring:Interactive Java Applet: Electromagnetic Waves
Physics Applets
Applets by Prof. Daniel Roth
Java Applets
Tutoring Electromagnetic Waves
A comprehensive guide to creating your science fair project!
A comprehensive guide to creating your science fair project!
FLAP (Flexible Learning Approach to Physics)
Crash Simulation
Software and Utilities
Physics Software Links
Software & Utilities
Educational Physics Software
Physics and Astronomy Software
Working Models
Award winning interactive content