Hyper Physics
- Introductory Physics
"(P. Ehrenfest) taught me for the first time to distrust complicated mathematics and formalisms that were then very popular in Göttingen. He loved to ask, and encourage others to ask, 'stupid' questions; he refused to admit that something is understood if one understands only the mathematical derivation. He showed me how to get at the real physics, how to distinguish between physics and formalism, how to get at the depth of things: 'Physics is simple, but subtle,' he used to say. The older I get, the more aware I am of his influences."
- Victor Weisskopf, My Life as a Physicist, 1971.
Physics Learning Resources
Physics Today
The Best of Physics
Avancing Physics: Teachers' Support
Physics for Scientists and Engineers with Modern Physics
Conceptual Physics
- Physics problems
Basic Concepts
Thermal Physics
Electricity and Magnetism
World of Science - Physics
Eric Weisstein's World of Science is written and maintained by the author as a public service for scientific knowledge and education. Although it is often difficult to find explanations for technical subjects that are both clear and accessible, this web site bridges the gap by placing an interlinked framework of mathematical exposition and illustrative examples at the fingertips of every internet user.
Laws, rules, principles, effects, paradoxes, limits, constants, experiments, & thought-experiments in physics.
Physics Teacher's Index
Teacher Resources
Teaching and Learning Physics - with Net Technologies
Physlets resource page
Physlets, Physics Applets, are small flexible Java applets designed for science education. You do not need to become a Java expert in order to use Physlets. The links on the right contain tutorials, download instructions, and example problems to help you use Physlets in your teaching.
Physics Learning Lab
Educational Physics Resources
Physics Resources Link from American Physical Society
American Institute of Physics
Physics Finder
PhysicsFinder, from the American Institute of Physics (AIP), is designed to help researchers find information published in AIP and MAIK journals.
Physics - Teaching Standards
How to Study Physics
How Misconceptions Affect
How Misconceptions Affect Formal Physics Problem Solving: Model-Based Predictions and Empirical Observations
General Strategy for Solving Problems
Teaching Physics Online
Physics Lecture Demonstration Resources
Solving Problems in Physics
Solving Problems in Physics
University of Durham Physics Links
Physics Links
PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMY: Electricity and Magnetism
Eric W. Weisstein - Tresure Trove of Science
The World Year of Physics 2005
The World Year of Physics 2005 plans to bring the excitement of physics to the public and inspire a new generation of scientists. Timed to coincide with the centennial celebration of Albert Einstein's "miraculous year," the World Year of Physics will be coming to YOU before you know it.
1900 to 2000 PHYSICS: Century of Physics Time Line
- Physics Questions/Problems
Exercise your mind! One challenging problem is posed each month.
Students (undergraduate, graduate, high-school,...) and researchers (from academy, industry,...) from all over the world are welcome to send their solutions, discussions and suggestions.
- CPEP is a non-profit organization
CPEP is a non-profit organization of teachers, educators, and physicists located around the world. CPEP materials present the current understanding of the fundamental nature of matter and energy, incorporating the major research findings of recent years. During the last ten years, CPEP has distributed more than 200,000 copies of its charts and other products.
- Cool Links to Hot Topics in Physics
- The Interactive Physics Problem Set
This web contains almost 100 practice problems for physics students. They're accompanied by detailed solutions and interactive computer experiments.
(The computer experimentss only run on Macintosh computers that have Interactive Physics II installed but MPEG movies are available for many of the problems.)
"Millennium Madness" Physics Problems for the Next Millennium
Frequently asked Science Questions
- The next generation of problem solving.
Seize the moment!
The problem solving process shown in these example is the result of 27 years of research and classroom testing. The methodology lends itself well to the inquiry method, group problem solving and individual cognitive development. The examples provide an opportunity to construct understanding through sound problem solving processes. The solution process is based on extensive problem solving literature.
- Physics Problems: Resources for Students
- The Physics Problems Page
Below is a list of textbooks for which a limited number of problem solutions are currently available:
- Classical Mechanics, 2nd Ed., H. Goldstein
- Classical Electrodynamics, 2nd Ed., J. D. Jackson
- Mathematical Methods for Physicists, 4th Ed., G. Arfken
- Modern Quantum Mechanics, Revised Ed., J. J. Sakurai
- Collection of Physics Problems
This is a constantly growing collection of physics gems - beautiful physics problems. So far the biggest part of the collection was formed by problems from Princeton University General Physics Examinations of previous years. I am grateful to all people who contributed to this collection by showing me some of the problems below.
- Fear Of Physics
Physics Help: Trouble with your physics homework? Get help with a year-long class for $19.99. Click here.
- Physics Assistance
This resource provides assistance with the Physics 163 unit packet pages, including the Supplementary Challenges section. To optimize your use of this resource, select the current unit. Then click on the links for individual questions in your unit packet. Each link will bring you to online resources related to that question. Carefully read the resource material and procede to answer the questions in your unit packet.
- Connecting Research in Physics Education with Teacher Education
- Resourceful Physics, a unique online resource for students and teachers of physics
This site contains:
Now over 3250 pages of material
Over 250 Questions and Answers
- This week's question on Physics
This week's question comes from Christopher Wanjek. Mr. Wanjek is a science writer supporting the Beyond Einstein initiative, a roadmap to understand the forces of nature beyond General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics through the study of the Universe from the Big Bang to black holes.
- Try to work out why things happen first
Try to work out why things happen first, then compare your ideas with the explanations and comments provided as links.
This is a sampler page that makes a good place to start: you can just browse around, using the idex on the left, or you can go off first and find out about the rest of this very large site -- there are lots of other pages, with even more stuff to play around with, and even project ideas for science fairs.
Educypedia of Physics
- Symbols, Constants, & Equations
The following files contain information that may be of use when working on these problems:
Symbols & Variable Names
Prefixes for Powers of Ten
Unit Conversions
Scales of Measurement - Timeline
Syllabus Manager
Like Companion Websites tm, Syllabus Managertm was designed as a free utility for instructors and students who use our book/website products. It can be used by a non-technical person to build and maintain one or more syllabi on the web. Students may "turn on" an instructors syllabus from within any Companion Website.
Interactive Physics
An interactive journey through modern physics! Have fun learning visually and conceptually about 20th Century science and high-tech devices
Hands-on Science Centers Worldwide
Educators Reference Desk
Sample Lesson Plans
Journal :Physics Teacher
The American Physical Society
The American Physical Society represents some 42,000 physicists, and most of our work centers on scientific meetings and publications-the primary ways that physicists communicate with each other. With Physics Central, they communicate the excitement and importance of physics to everyone. Visit the site Every week to find out how physics is part of your world. The support provided to answer your questions on how things work and keep you informed with daily updates on physics in the news. The site describes the latest research and the people who are doing it ..........
Professional Development of Teachers
.....This mandate is carried out chiefly by the funding and broad distribution of educational video programs with coordinated Web and print materials for the professional development of teachers..............
Review Articles and Tutorials in an Encyclopædic Format
The Virtual Library: Physics
National Science teachers Association:Teaching Resources
Physics Today is the flagship
Physics Today is the flagship publication of the American Institute of Physics (AIP), and has been published monthly for more than 50 years. Our goal is to keep our readers informed about science and its place in the world. We do this not only with our authoritative feature articles, news stories, and analyses, but also by providing a lively forum for the exchange of ideas.
Classroom of the Future:NASA
The Classroom of the Future™ (COTF) program is helping to bridge the gap between America's classrooms and the expertise of NASA scientists, who have advanced the frontiers of knowledge in virtually every field of science over the last forty years.
The dilema of a physics Teacher
Physics Faculty Forum
Physics Garduate Students Forum
American Association of Physics Teachers
Exploratorium Science Snacks
The pages are full of Snacks...but they're not the kind you eat. They're the kind you can learn from and have fun with. Exploratorium Science Snacks are miniature versions of some of the most popular exhibits at the Exploratorium.
National Institute of Standards and Technology
The Evolution of Time Measurement through the Ages
The global community of graduate-level students, teachers and professionals. Offering 24/7 expert academic homework help, they are helping students around the world across 44 fields of study.
Physics 2000
Physics Help
Daily Excercise
These "daily" exercises consist of a few mostly conceptual questions that relate to material for the next day's lecture. They are designed to serve two purposes. First, they benefit you by encouraging you to read the relevant material before the lecture, which should help you get more out of class, ask better questions, etc. Second, they benefit me by helping me to see what concepts are giving people trouble and which ones you already understand. That allows me to adjust the lecture accordingly--and that, in turn, benefits you.
- About HyperPhysics
Rationale for Development
HyperPhysics is an exploration environment for concepts in physics which employs concept maps and other linking strategies to facilitate smooth navigation. For the most part, it is laid out in small segments or "cards", true to its original development in HyperCard. The entire environment is interconnected with thousands of links, reminiscent of a neural network. The bottom bar of each card contains links to major concept maps for divisions of physics, plus a "go back" feature to allow you to retrace the path of an exploration. The side bar contains a link to the extensive Index, which itself is composed of active links. That sidebar also contains links to relevant concept maps.
Learn Physics Today is an online physics tutorial developed by Keiji Oenoki, Kazushi Oenoki, Hector Judez, Hyun Ku Cho, and John Lakatos at Colegio Franklin D. Roosevelt in Lima, Peru.
Physics:Principles with Applications
Physics Education R & D
University of Minnesota-Physics Education Research and Development
The Green Book
Cooperative Group Problem Solving in Physics
Physics Education Directory
CPEP is a non-profit organization of teachers, educators, and physicists located around the world. CPEP materials present the current understanding of the fundamental nature of matter and energy, incorporating the major research findings of recent years. During the last ten years, CPEP has distributed more than 200,000 copies of its charts and other products. Contemporary Physics Education Project.
Physics Education Group ,University of Washington.
Journal :Physics Teacher
- The Physics Classroom
- Physics: Homework Solutions
Cramster offers students notes, exams and homework solutions for their books as well as for other related books in the same subject. By subscribing to a subject you will have notes and exams and solutions from classes that cover the same subject as your class.
- Instructional Materials in Physics
- Annotated Web Bibliography
Halliday, Resnick and Walker FUNDAMENTALS OF PHYSICS 6/e
- Halliday, Resnick & Walker Physics Bundles
Student Companion
Halliday, Resnick, Walker: Fundamentals of Physics, Sixth Edition
Science Quotes
The best of Search Engines