927. Problem 56.33 (RHK) We have to show (a) that the number N of photons radiated, per unit area per unit time, by a cavity radiator at temperature T is given by In evaluating the integral, we will ignore “1”
in the denominator of
Solution: Click For PDF Version The radiated power per unit area that extends from
The energy of a photon of wavelength
and therefore, the number N of photons radiated, per unit area per unit time, by a cavity radiator at temperature T will be given by In evaluating the integral, we will ignore “1” in the
denominator of
For evaluating this integral, we make the change of variable Stefan-Boltzmann constant We thus find that (b) We will show that to the same approximation, the fraction of
photons by number, with energies greater than 2.2 MeV at a temperature of
Therefore, And, Therefore, And,