852. Problem 54.69 (RHK) A rock, recovered from far underground, is found to contain of , of , and 1.60 mg of . We have to calculate the amount of it is likely to contain. The needed half-lives are as follows: |
Solution: Click For PDF Version We assume that the amount of and present in the rock are due to the radio active decays of , and , respectively, and were trapped inside the rock in t y because of the decay of their mother nuclides. We estimate the number of nuclides in of , of , and 1.60 mg of . ,
and . We use the radioactive decay law in the following for calculating the age of the rock and the number of nuclides of that the rock contained when it was formed. The disintegration constant of decay is The disintegration constant of decay is The nuclides of that were there in the rock when it was formed will be the sum of the nuclides of and those of present now. We thus note that Therefore, the age of the rock can be found from the relation The age of the rock is . Let the number of nuclides of that the rock is likely to contain be m mg. The number of nuclides of in m mg will be . We use again the fact that the sum of nuclides of and those of present now will be the number of nuclides of present at the time of the formation of the rock, which is ago. We have We find that the amount of present in the rock is 1.79 mg.