832. Problem 54.34 (RHK) A source contains two phosphorus radionuclides, and . Initially 10.0% of the decays come from . We have to find the time that one has to wait until 90.0% of the decays do so. |
Solution: Click For PDF Version A source contains two phosphorus radionuclides, and . We calculate first the decay constant for and radionuclides. Let the initial number of and nuclides be and , respectively. It is given that initially 10.0% of decays come from . We can express it in the form of an equation as follows: Let the time for which one has to wait until 90.0% of the decays come from be . We can express it as an equation using the radioactive decay law as follows:
That is for decays from nuclide to be 90.0% of the decays of the two nuclides one has to wait for 208 days, if initially it was 10.0%.