807. Problem 53.33 (RHK) In a simplified model of an intrinsic semiconductor (no
doping), the actual distribution in energy of states is replaced by one
in which there are
(b) If the Fermi level is in the gap between the two bands
and is far from both ends compared to
and therefore that, if
Solution: Click For PDF Version (a) In the given model of an intrinsic semiconductor it is assumed that the
actual distribution in energy of states is replaced by one in which there are
The probability of occupation of a state with energy
Therefore, the number of electrons in the conduction band will be given by The probability of finding a hole at energy
Therefore, the number of holes in the valence band will be given by
We require that the number of electrons in the conduction band equals the number of holes in the valence band. This condition implies that (b) We assume that the Fermi level is in the gap between the two bands and is far
from both ends compared to
Taking ln of both sides of the above equation, we get Therefore, if
that is the Fermi level is close to the centre of the gap between the conduction band and the valence band.