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Problem 43.23 (RHK)

Muons (mass) and neutral pions , each with momentum , pass through a transparent material. We have to find the range of index of refraction so that only the muons emit Cerenkov radiation.

Solution:           Click For PDF Version

Relativistic equation for the momentum of a particle of rest mass m moving with velocity v is

Algebraically rearranging the above expression, we find that

We will use the above result for calculating the ratios for neutral pions and muons having momentum .

We find that


A particle emits Cerenkov radiation in a medium only if its speed exceeds the speed of light in that medium. Therefore, the range of index of refraction of the material


will be fixed by requiring that the speed of the muons is greater than the speed of light in the medium, , and that the speed of light in the medium exceeds the speed of neutral pions in the medium. The range of refractive index of the material should therefore be