476. Problem 35.46 (RHK) A conductor consists of an infinite number of adjacent
wires, each infinitely long and carrying a current
Solution: Click For PDF Version We will first solve the problem by applying Ampere’s law. The direction of the magnetic field can be determined by using the fact that the field due to infinitely long wires in which current is coming out of the page will be in the form of concentric circles drawn counter-clockwise. As the conductor consists of an infinite number of adjacent long wires, the magnetic field will be parallel and their direction above and below the current sheet will be as shown in the figure. For calculating the magnetic field at a distance r from the sheet we consider an Amperian loop as shown in the figure below. Because of the symmetry the magnitude of the magnetic field above and below the sheet at the same distance will be equal, and the components of the field along the lines perpendicular to the sheet will be zero. We apply the Ampere’s law, using the Amperian loop shown in the figure. We have The field is independent of
We will calculate the magnetic field at
Therefore, the magnetic field at
We make the substitution We have Note that by symmetry, the perpendicular components of