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A thin plastic disk of radius R has a charge q uniformly distributed over its
surface. The charge per unit area on the disk will be

The disk is rotating about its axis with angular velocity
Charge on the disk will also rotate with angular velocity
The current on the disk can be calculated by assuming that the rotating disk is
equivalent to an array of current loops. For calculating the current arising out
of the rotation of the disk and the magnetic field produced, we consider a ring
of radius r and width
. As the
disk is rotating with angular frequency
, the
rotating charge on this ring,
effectively behaves like a current in a ring of radius r of magnitude
The magnetic field at the centre due to this ring will be

The magnetic field at the centre of the rotating disk can be calculated by
integrating the above expression from 0 to R. We have for the magnetic
field at the centre

We calculate next the magnetic dipole moment of the rotating uniformly
charged disk. The magnetic dipole moment of the disk can be calculated by adding
contribution to the dipole moment from each circular ring of rotating charges.
The magnetic dipole moment of due to the ring of radius r, width
is current multiplied by the area enclosed. That is

Therefore, the magnetic dipole moment due to the rotating uniformly charged
disk will be
