60. Problem 13.39P (HRW) Four identical bricks of length L are stacked on a table
as shown in the figure. We seek to maximise the overhang distance h in both
arrangements. We have to find the optimum distances
Solution: Click For PDF Version Arrangement 1 Key to maximising overhead distances is by ensuring that the normal force on the concerned brick lies at the edge of the brick/surface on which it is resting. Brick 3 is resting on brick 4, therefore, maximum value of
Using a similar argument as above the force that bricks 1 and 2 exert on the brick 4 is 2W and it acts on its left-hand edge. Therefore, the free-body diagram of the brick 4 is as shown. We calculate the torque about the left-hand edge of brick 4 and require that for equilibrium the net torque on it has to be zero. This gives And,
Arrangement 2 In this configuration by symmetry,
We will consider the free-body diagram of brick 3. Because of brick 1 there
will be a force W/2 on the left-hand edge of brick 3. From the symmetry
we note that a normal force of 3W/2 acts on brick 3 at the right-hand
edge of brick 4, which is at a distance
We calculate torque about the left-hand edge of brick 3 and as the brick is in equilibrium the net torque has to be zero. That is And, |