25. Problem 12.58E (HRW) With centre and spokes of negligible mass, a certain bicycle
wheel has a thin rim of radius
Solution: Click For PDF Version In this problem data has been given in the British fps system. In this system of units the basic unit of mass is slug, of length is ft, and of force is lb. Slug and lb are connected by the relation that a mass of 1 slug under acceleration of 32 ft s-2 experiences a force of 1 lb. There is no external torque on the system about the direction of the vertical axis. Therefore, angular momentum is a constant of motion. Radius of the bicycle wheel
Weight of the wheel =8.36 lb. Therefore, mass of the wheel = = 0.259 slug. Moment of inertia of the wheel, I =
= =0.337 slug ft2 Wheel is spinning with speed,
Angular momentum of the wheel, which is also the angular momentum of wheel+ man+ turntable,
Rotational inertia of wheel+ man+ turntable
As no external torque is exerted on the system when the rotation of the wheel is stopped by the man using his free- hand (relative to turntable), the angular momentum of the system will be L. The rotational angular speed of the system can now be calculated using the definition The direction of rotation will continue to remain clockwise when seen from top. |