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Problem 19.38 (RHK)

This problem uses the result of the problem 129 (19.38 RHK). Let us suppose that d = 230 km and H = 510 km. The waves are 13.0 MHz radio waves (). At the detector D the combined signal strength varies from a maximum to zero and back to a maximum again six times in 1 min. We have to find the speed with which the reflecting layer is moving. We can assume that the layer is moving slowly, so that the vertical distance moved in 1 min is small compared to H and d.

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Data of the problem are

and v the speed of the wave is . Therefore, the wavelength of the wave is

In the problem it is given that the reflecting layer is moving with speed such that the signal strength at the detector varies from maximum to zero and back to maximum again six times in a minute. Let h be the distance moved by the reflecting layer in 1 min. This implies that

We have been given that the vertical distance h is small compared to H and d. In this approximation we use the result that

In this approximation, we have the result

Substituting the data of the problem, we find

Thus we find that the reflecting layer is moving with a speed of .