898. Problem 55.56 (RHK) In a hydrogen bomb the fusion fuel is lithium deuteride (LiD). The high temperature, particle density, and neutrons to induce fusion are provided by an atomic (fission) bomb “trigger.” The fusion reactions are The tritium () produced in the first reaction fusing with the deuterium (D) in the fuel. By calculating for the first reaction, we have to find the mass of LiD required to produce a fusion yield of 1 megaton of TNT . Needed atomic masses are |
Solution: Click For PDF Version In a hydrogen bomb the fusion fuel is lithium deuteride (LiD). The high temperature, particle density, and neutrons to induce fusion are provided by an atomic (fission) bomb “trigger.” The fusion reactions are The tritium () produced in the first reaction fusing with the deuterium (D) in the fuel. We calculate the value for the reaction . It will be Therefore, the combined energy released in both fusion reactions in which one nucleus of and one nucleus of undergo fusion using a neutron from the trigger fissions will be We are required to estimate the amount of LiD required to produce a fusion yield of 1 megaton of TNT . The number of LiD molecules required for producing fusion yield of 1 megaton of TNT will be Therefore, the amount of LiD required in the hydrogen bomb will be