The Connections
No doubt, I am a student of Physics, but having spent more than 5 decades with Computing systems of various shapes, sizes,
speeds and capabilities...with that, I started calling myself as a Computer Professional. Currently I also add a 'Educational media' expertise to it!!!
It is a too long a journey from paper tape to gestures.
Web Resources (links) I feel, useful to Students, Teachers and Teacher Educators, who love to Learn Physics systematically
and enjoy the very learning process. With the years of wandering in the information highway, I could find (15 years back) online material, useful tips & tools for Teaching/ Learning,Software, Animations.
Centres of Higher Learning / Universities world-wide, Institutions of Research & Development, Career opportunities in Science and Developments that are reported as Science News. I have provided the links here, which will be updated periodically, (I am also working out changes in the old links).
You can see the amount of research work done by thousands of teachers and learners of physics to
make the Teaching and Learning Physics an enjoyable one.
15 years back I wrote
In the past decades, we use to worry about the computing
speeds of systems, the input/output equipment's delivery speeds. Couple of years
back we use to worry about "Band-width" - the internet-based info delivery speeds, we have
overcome that. You can see our Solution pages flowing down at top speeds even in
slowest possible net connections. Yes, we worry about file sizes - Giga-bytes mean nothing
to us. More speeds more bytes to chew, more resources.
.... this statement will remain forever 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G ....KB,GB,TB....
Small changes may be, after 15 years now, we may have to say .... TeraByte means Nothing to us (1 TB = 1000000000000bytes = 1012 bytes = 1000gigabytes).
Thinking Beyond
In addition to building a programme for learning physics around solutions,
we encourage interactive learning through supports such as Online Classrooms, asynchronous multimedia lessons prepared with Teaching Tools
(Examples Illustrated as Newton Laws of Motion by Prof. A.N. Maheshwari).
We also encourage/help you in creating Campus Clouds/Cloud Radio, a low-cost innovative technology, created by V. Krishnamoorthy, with no need for internet access,
in your Educational Campus. We help you to load Learning Physics into your Campus Cloud, the accessibility can be through computers/Laptops, also through all mobile devices, like IPAD, Notepad and Mobile Phones.
In you find useful web links towards learning physics, kindly write to us
we shall include the same.
Best of Learning/Teaching Physics.
Best of Learning/Teaching Physics!!!
- V.Krishna Moorthy
Web Master