149. Problem 20.34 (RHK) The reverberation time of an auditorium or concert hall is the time required for the sound intensity (in ) to decrease by a factor of . Suppose that in a particular concert hall, the reverberation time for a note of a certain frequency is 2.6 The reverberation time depends on the frequency of the sound. If the note is sounded at a sound level of 87 dB, how long will it take for the sound level to fall to 0 dB. |
Solution: Click For PDF Version The intensity of sound of 87 dB can be calculated from the definition of sound level, SL, which is defined by the formula
For SL = 87 dB, I will be
It is given that the intensity of sound of a particular frequency in a concert hall drops by a factor of in 2.6 s. If the intensity has to drop to SL of zero it means that the intensity should drop down to . The time required for the sound level to drop down from 87dB to 0 can be estimated as follows:
The time required for the sound of 87 dB to 0 dB will therefore be